On May 10th, we gave Mommy the day off and went on a long walk at Ridge Rd in Albermarle County. This road is known to runners, bikers, and hikers for great views to the east and west and farmland scenery. The boys ventured out in Daddy’s Miata and got to have ice cream, giving Mommy the afternoon off.


Brothers posing in front of a view:

Finding a hidden trail down to the river (Moormans River):

Ian finding a rock to sit on in the middle of the river:

Daddy says “Smile As Hard as you can!”:

Boys at Dairy Queen, huddled in the corner, waiting for ice cream cones:

Boys get Ice Cream, eating in Daddy’s Convertible:


Ian being brave and wanting to try crossing:

Ian Sitting Middle of the water:

Water flowing by us:

Doug Turnbull

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